Sales Coaching

Sales Call Analytics: Leverage AI to Win Sales Call

Anand Venkatraman
Anand Venkatraman
June 5, 2024
min read
Sales Call Analytics: Leverage AI to Win Sales Call

Key Takeaways

  • Sales call analytics automates the labor-intensive process of monitoring sales calls, providing valuable insights into rep performance, customer interactions, and areas for improvement through data collection, analysis, and interpretation.
  • AI-led sales call analytics offer a forward-looking approach, allowing teams to understand why certain outcomes occurred, predict future trends, and provide actionable recommendations for improving sales strategies, ultimately enhancing the effectiveness of the sales process.
  • Top sales teams leverage sales call analytics software to objectively evaluate performance, identify coaching opportunities, better qualify leads, and optimize sales processes, leading to higher conversion rates and more efficient sales cycles.
  • It would take an impossible 1735663728 hours to manually analyze sales call recordings, identify key moments, objections, and areas for improvement in each of your rep's calls.

    Imagine sitting there, rewinding and fast-forwarding through endless conversations, trying to catch every little detail: missed opportunity, and instances where the rep failed to address a pain point, and then feeding all this information into a spreadsheet.

    Now multiply all this work by the number of reps on your team, and you've got no time left to work on your core managerial tasks. 

    This is where sales call analytics can give back your precious time and put this overwhelming process on auto-pilot. 

    This article dives deep into sales call analytics, how AI plays a role in it, and the different tools that come with comprehensive analytics. 

    What is sales call analytics?

    Sales call analytics is a combination of technology and processes that automate the tedious task of monitoring sales calls. These dig deep into the conversations your reps have with prospects and customers to surface granular data. This data can then be used to understand what happened over the call.

    In short, it is an automated process that involves collecting, analyzing, and interpreting data from sales calls to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the sales process.

    How does sales call analytics work?

    Sales call analytics is a multi-step process with three primary functions of data

    • Collection 
    • Analysis 
    • Interpretation 

    This can take the form of recording and transcribing calls, analyzing the conversations for sentiment, detecting key phrases and keywords, identifying trends, and scoring the calls based on predefined criteria. 

    Here's how each component functions together to seamlessly generate call analytics 

    • The first step is data collection which involves recording and transcription of calls in real-time or batch-processed after the call ends.
    • The next step, analysis, includes feeding the data collected, for example, the transcribed text into sentiment analysis, keyword detection, and other algorithms. 
    • Finally, the analyzed data is used to produce the overall review of the call based on predefined scoring criteria, the sentiment, and detected keywords. At this stage, detailed reports are generated for call performance and trends. 

    Introduction to AI-led sales call analytics 

    While the basic sales analytics delves into what happened over the call, the additional layer of AI further allows you to understand why it happened, what’s going to happen, and what can be done. 

    While sales analytics primarily focus on analyzing past data, AI-led sales call analytics offer a forward-looking approach that makes more sense for your overall sales strategy. This allows your team to proactively address potential challenges and seize opportunities right on time. 

    AI-led sales analytics can be broken down into four components 

    • Descriptive analytics to understand and track past data such as revenue, number of users, deals closed. This is a clear picture of past performance, helping sales teams to benchmark and understand current happenings.
    • Diagnostic analytics dives deeper into the reasons behind your sales results. This means examining different aspects of sales calls, such as customer sentiment, to identify the root causes of successes and challenges. 
    • Predictive analytics is using algorithms to anticipate future outcomes based on historical data. By identifying patterns and trends from past sales calls, it predicts which actions are likely to lead to successful results.
    • Prescriptive analytics is course correction in simpler terms, wherein AI assesses all the available data to offer actionable recommendations for improving the sales workflow like adjusting sales scripts, refining follow-up techniques, and more. 

    Why top sales teams are using sales call analytics software?

    With hundreds of calls made by your sales team everyday, understanding what happens during each conversation is important. Here’s why it matters.

    1. Evaluate performance objectively 

    Subjective assessments and manual call monitoring can often lead to biased or incomplete evaluations of rep performance. 

    A sales call analytics software, on the other hand, offers an objective and data-backed approach to performance monitoring. It can also analyze customer calls in real-time showing which reps are strong and weak across various factors, such as product knowledge and handling objections.

    This eliminates guesswork and gives you just hard facts to make fair and informed decisions about coaching and rep development.

    2.Identify coaching opportunities 

    One of the most useful aspects of sales call analytics is its ability to pinpoint specific areas where reps need additional coaching or training. 

    Through natural language processing and speech recognition, the software can study calls and their transcripts. This helps managers identify instances where reps struggled with objections, lacked product knowledge, or couldn’t address pain points. 

    All this data acts as a starting point to craft targeted training programs for each rep, allowing you to focus on more relevant sales coaching techniques for them. 

    3.Better qualify leads

    A sales call analytics software can detect specific phrases related to buying signals, understand prospect pain points and needs, assess company fit, monitor engagement levels, and align with the lead qualification criteria. 

    This way, sales teams can make better decisions about which leads are worth pursuing and which are not, translating into more quality leads, better resource allocation, and higher conversion rates.

    4.Optimize sales processes

    Beyond individual rep performance, sales call analytics offer an inside view into the overall sales process itself. 

    By analyzing calls with customers at different stages across the entire sales team, the software can identify common objections, pain points, and areas of friction that may be slowing down the sales cycle. 

    Sales leaders can then refine their sales approaches, update sales scripts and messaging, introduce process improvements, and speed up the sales cycle.

    6 Best sales call analytics software available in the market

    Let’s quickly have a look at the features and pricing of the top six sales call analytics software. 


    Happysales is an AI-powered sales coaching and analytics platform. It empowers you to do in-depth prospect research, coach your reps with AI role plays, and make informed decisions with detailed reports and analytics. 

    It combines powerful analytics with practical AI coaching features to help your team continuously optimize their sales approach.

    Key features

    • Real-time prospect data from LinkedIn like personality, company, etc
    • Insights and talking points based on the prospect info
    • AI-powered lead scoring to help you filter and prioritize leads
    • Evaluation of difficulty and outcome of each call
    • Analysis of successful calls to identify best practices


    The Essentials plan starts at $35 per month/user, while its Premium plan starts at $45 per month/user. They also have a forever-free plan to try out the features. 

    2.Gong is a revenue intelligence platform that uses artificial intelligence to analyze sales calls. It automatically records, transcribes, and analyzes sales calls, offering insights that help sales reps optimize their pitches and close more deals. Plus, the platform integrates with a wider range of CRMs, including HubSpot and Marketo. 

    Key features

    • Executive dashboards to know if the team is pitching new products 
    • Track calls, emails sent, and deals handled by your reps
    • Automated AI meeting notes
    • Conversation insights like talk ratio, topics, questions, etc
    • Outcome analytics including next steps, email velocity, call volume, and more


    The platform’s pricing is not published on its website. You need to contact their sales team to get a quote. 


    Clari is a revenue platform and its copilot module employs AI to offer real-time insights into sales activities. This helps sales teams accurately predict revenue outcomes, identify potential risks and opportunities in the pipeline, and optimize their sales approach.

    Key features

    • Real-time battle cards and monologue alerts
    • Conversational format call summaries, next steps, and suggested actions
    • Speak & talk-time detection
    • Customized call scoring and topic tracking 


    The pricing plan for its copilot module is not disclosed on the website. Contact their support team to get a quote. 


    CallRail is a call tracking and analytics platform designed to optimize marketing and sales efforts through detailed call insights. It tracks and records inbound and outbound calls, providing useful data on call sources, customer interactions, and campaign effectiveness. 

    Key features

    • Call attribution to see which calls come from which campaign
    • Analysis of each call for spoken keywords and sentiment analysis 
    • Sales call transcripts, highlights, and summaries 
    • Score, apply tags, and qualify leads


    Their pricing plans start from $40/mo and go until $130/mo. is an AI sales call analysis platform that allows you to optimize customer interactions and improve sales performance. It automatically records and transcribes sales calls, providing detailed analysis through sentiment analysis, keyword detection, and conversation metrics. 

    Key features

    • Call transcription for quick quality checks
    • Agent-level analysis to identify best-performing agents 
    • AI-driven moment analysis to surface key moments  
    • Auto-seek audio to specific call moments

    Pricing’s SMB plan starts at $500 per month for up to 100 agents and their Mid-enterprise plan is priced at $1499 for up to 500 agents. 


    JustCall is a versatile business communication platform that comes with advanced AI sales call analysis to efficiently manage and analyze sales calls. It gives a 360-degree view into call performance as well as agent performance while also offering AI-powered insights for textual conversations. 

    Key features

    • Sentiment analysis to track customer sentiment throughout the call 
    • Generate call summaries and transcriptions 
    • Moment analysis to track key topics in conversation 
    • Automated call scoring 
    • AI-powered FAQ knowledge base for real-time talking points


    JustCall offers three pricing plans –the Essentials plan at $19 per month/user, the Team plan at $29 per month/user, and the Pro plan at $49 per month/user. 


    Q. What is a sales call analysis software?

    Sales call analysis software records, transcribes, and analyzes sales calls to provide insights into call performance, customer interactions, and areas for improvement. The software can track metrics such as talk-to-listen ratio, keyword usage, sentiment analysis, etc. 

    Q. How does AI help in sales call analysis?

    AI helps with sales call analysis by transcribing calls, detecting keywords, analyzing sentiment, and providing actionable suggestions to improve sales processes and training.

    Q. How to evaluate a sales call?

    To evaluate a sales call, review the call recording or transcript, assess the rep’s communication skills, handling of objections, alignment with the sales script, AI scores and recommendations, and overall effectiveness. 

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